Work with me!

My services

I have experience developing applications in many platforms. Since 2008 I had been working on Websites, WebApplications, Mobile applications and Backend services. These are some of my services.

iOS developer

My first aproach to an iOS application was in 2010, back then I was the main developer as a web developer and I have done the mobile web version of excelsior (a newspaper in Mexico). I teste the site on an iPod 2 and was funny.

But the client needs an iOS application version so, after looking into my friends I know a great developer who teachme some of iOS and Objective-C.

In 2012 I can take the course "Beginning iOS with Objective-C" at my work and I knew thats will be my profesional path. Since then I got experience in many areas like:

If you need an iOS developer, call me or send me a tweet.

Design web services for mobile applications

My strong expertice are in the web technologies. Rigth now I not focus in web development, but REST services for mobile applications (Android or iOS). So if you need some one to develop a backend with Ruby, Java, PHP or Phyton I can help you.

Training and mentoring

Since 2010 I had been teaching in many training centers, enterprises and personal mentoring. Some of the courses are made by me. I'm the owner of the syllabus and some others are based in a great books.

I offer courses for iOS, Ruby, Rails and HTML+CSS+JS. Also I can guide you and your team to create painless workflows for software development using TDD or BDD, continuous integration (CI), deployment and project managment.

Here is a list with some of my courses. Training on iOS, Ruby and Web technologies [ES]

Do you want work with me? drop a line! or send me a tweet.