24th week links

24th week links

What sould every programmer know about security. Is a stackoverflow question made by IT stydent, and the response is great. Have a list of resources about security applications.

FOSDEM. In that week I view a presentation about Objective-Smalltak and notice that talk in 2014 was in FOSDEM. Brussels event for deep tecnical talks.

European Smalltalk user group. I’m curius about Smalltalk, so I view a youtube video “Smalltalk begginer guide” and notice an account of twitter retweet that video. So, there is.

Foreman. I love this Ruby gem, because remove me all the mess with servers and commands.

Procfile definition Heroku. Is the definition about Procfile in Heroku documentation devcenter.

Unix help for Users. Help guide to tasks, commands and concepts. Great resource.

Advance Jekyll Plugin & Features. This shows how to create plugins and add features to your jekill blog.

5 Reasons Why You’re Not Writing Tests. A little resume of testing and why you aren’t doing.

How github works. Guide to workflow in github

iOS 7 translucent efect in Web. It’s complicated

Controlling color with sass functions. Small tour to use the color functions in sass